The Digital Research Repository is a virtual platform designed for the consultation and compilation of research, theses, articles, and scientific and academic publications, both published and unpublished, concerning coca leaf. These contributions come from universities, institutes, foundations, and independent researchers from across the globe. The repository is modeled after a Digital Library, offering a fast and easy way for researchers, scientists, academics, and the public to access past, present, and future research on the coca leaf.

The repository supports research based on key indicators highlighted in the World Health Organization’s Critical Review of the coca leaf, including:

  1. Pharmacology
  2. Toxicology
  3. Therapeutic and traditional use
  4. Epidemiology
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In alignment with the WIPO Copyright Treaty, the Berne Convention, and Bolivian Law 1322, which aim to protect the moral and patrimonial rights of authors, the Digital Repository is a nonprofit resource dedicated to research and public access to valuable information. It ensures honest use for investigative purposes, while respecting the authorship and proper citation of published works.



If you wish to share published and unpublished research, theses, articles, scientific and academic publications on the Coca Leaf, send an email to

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